We’re thrilled to announce that Intygra is now a Carbon Neutral Britain certified organisation! This distinguished certification means that we have taken the steps to measure and minimise our carbon footprint and offset any remaining emissions through various eco-friendly initiatives.

At Intygra, we take our commitment to the environment very seriously and by becoming a Carbon Neutral Business, it shows our dedication to doing our part in the fight against climate change and protecting the environment for future generations. We’ve implemented energy-efficient practices, utilised renewable energy sources, and we continue to support verified offset projects to allow us to achieve carbon neutrality. 

Keep reading to learn more about Carbon Neutral Britain’s efforts and what our certification means for you.

Who are Carbon Neutral Britain?

Carbon Neutral Britain is a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping businesses and individuals reduce their carbon footprint. They provide guidance and support on sustainability practices, offer carbon offsetting solutions, and promote environmental awareness. 

Working with Carbon Neutral Britain and becoming a Carbon Neutral Business means organisations can take proactive steps towards becoming more environmentally responsible and contributing to the fight against climate change. It also shows commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship, while also helping to create a greener future for everyone.

What does our Carbon Neutral Business certification mean for you?

As we’ve mentioned, our Carbon Neutral Business certification shows we have taken steps to measure, reduce, and offset our carbon footprint to various eco-friendly initiatives around the world. Some of the verified projects we’ve been able to contribute to include tree planting and reforestation activities, solar power implementation, and wind farms construction to name a few.

However, this certification has positive implications for you too because it means that the products and services we provide you have been produced and sourced in an environmentally responsible way.

When you partner with a Carbon Neutral Business like ours, you’re supporting our fight against climate change, helping us to promote sustainability, as well as helping us to create a more eco-friendly future for all. 

Get in touch to learn more

We’re committed to continuing our efforts to minimise our impact on the environment and we appreciate your support in choosing our eco-conscious marketing solutions. If you have any questions about our sustainability efforts, including our other environmental credentials, or would like to learn more about how we achieved carbon neutrality, please don’t hesitate to contact us

Be sure to also take a look at our range of services and learn more about how we can help take your marketing communications to a whole new level.