With everything seemingly moving online, you might think that a direct mail campaign is old-fashioned. However, a lot of smart businesses are still using this tactic as part of their marketing strategy to reach out to customers. Why do they do it? Because direct mail has some impressive rewards that you don’t always get with digital marketing. 

For example, according to The Social Shepherd, 76% of consumers are more trusting in direct mail ads. Plus, when it comes to getting responses from customers, direct mail campaigns can see response rates as high as 9%. So even though we live in a digital age, these numbers show us why marketers haven’t given up on direct mail.

It’s also an effective part of connecting with people during their buying journey and in this blog, we explore the benefits of direct mail in the customer journey in more detail, along with how you can utilise this marketing method effectively and some tips on creating a stand-out direct mail design.

The role of direct mail in today’s modern marketing mix

Direct mail, which is a tactic of sending letters, flyers, or packages to people’s homes, is a method of companies trying to get our attention. Even though we’re living in a digital world with emails, social media, and online ads these days, direct mail hasn’t been left behind. If anything, it’s actually improved because now it can work in tandem with digital tactics such as QR codes, website links, and social media pages. This marketing mix makes company messages much more powerful than ever before.

Now that businesses have figured out how to use information they gather to make each direct mail piece really speak to whoever gets it, they can tailor their messaging so it’s much more personal. This means that more consumers are more likely to pay attention and respond when they get these kinds of campaigns.

The benefits of direct mail in the customer journey

As we’ve mentioned, direct mail is a highly effective communication tool throughout your customers’ buying journey. From the start of their journey where they’re becoming aware of your brand and your offering, right through to the end after they’ve made a purchase with you, there are many benefits of direct mail in each stage in the customer journey, as we highlight below.

Benefits of direct mail in the awareness stage

At the beginning of their journey, when potential customers realise they need something they don’t have, they start searching for ways to fill that gap. With direct mail, you can play a key part in this phase by boosting your brand’s visibility and getting these potential customers familiar with what you offer. 

Unlike the endless stream of emails and online ads we all get bombarded with daily, direct mail really stands out. It gives people useful information about your business in a way that’s hard to ignore. By doing so, it helps ensure you make a memorable first impression right from the start.

With direct mail, you get something real in your hands. This grabs people’s attention and lets them connect with what you’re selling on a deeper level. Because of its physical form, direct mail builds trust and looks more credible than some online ads might seem. It gives off an air of being solid and serious that can be hard for other types of marketing to match up with. By using the tangible nature of direct mail, you stand a better chance at leaving a strong mark on potential customers and boosting how well-known your brand is.

Direct mail isn’t just for old-school communication either as it’s a great way to get people online and noticing your brand during the awareness stage. By putting a call-to-action (CTA) on your mail piece, like telling people to check out a landing page or follow you on social media, you’re making it easy for them to jump from holding something in their hands to interacting with you online. By mixing direct mail with what you do online, you can make more people aware of your brand, pull more traffic towards your website, and keep potential customers engaged over time.

Benefits of direct mail in the consideration stage

At this stage of the customer journey, potential customers know what issue they’re facing and are looking into particular solutions and this is where direct mail becomes really important. It helps steer their choices. By making your direct mail fit what your target audience likes and needs, you give them info that’s both useful and tailored just for them. This way of reaching out to potential customers is more focused and personal, and greatly influences how they think about what you offer.

One of the big pluses with direct mail when you’re trying to get people interested is how you can make your messages really specific for different groups. By using data and breaking down your mailing list, it’s possible to send out campaigns that feel like it was made just for them. This kind of personal touch makes potential customers feel understood and more likely to think about what you have on offer. From addressing them by their first name, making content that fits what they’re into, or giving them special deals, direct mail gives you a chance to connect in a way that stands out.

In the consideration stage, direct mail offers a chance to boost trust and show your credibility by sending out content that teaches your prospects something or gives them useful information. By sharing helpful tips, stories of success, or feedback from others, you get to show off your know-how and make consumers feel good about picking your brand. Direct mail campaigns that educate and inform allow these potential customers to choose wisely and be more sure about going with your products or services.

Benefits of direct mail in the decision-making stage

At this point where potential customers are all set to buy, having collected every bit of info they need, direct mail steps in as a powerful tool. It’s at this moment that well-thought-out offers and CTAs crafted in your direct mail can really push them towards making that purchase decision for your products or services. This means they’re more likely to go from just being interested, to actually buying what you’re selling. With direct mail, you get the chance to lay out one strong final argument on why your products or services are better than what your competitors might be offering, which helps bump up those conversion rates.

When it comes to making decisions, it’s really important to come up with offers that grab people’s attention and make them want to act. With direct mail, you can put these offers right in their hands in a way that feels real and makes an impact. You could be offering special deals, discount codes, or opportunities that won’t last forever. It’s a great way to show off your best deals and get people excited. 

Direct mail has the ability to make things seem urgent and limited which gets potential customers moving towards buying something from you. By adding a clear message on your campaign telling them exactly what they should do next encourages those potential customers even more towards picking what you’re selling.

You could also add testimonials and reviews to your direct mail campaigns, to further boost trust with your prospects. These testimonials and reviews act as proof that other people have tried what you’re offering and liked it. Sharing these lets you connect with potential customers on a deeper level, helping them trust in what you’re all about.

Benefits of direct mail in the post-purchase stage

After a customer buys something from you, the connection with them shouldn’t just stop there. Keeping in touch after they’ve made a purchase is really important if you want them to keep coming back and feel loyal towards your brand. Using direct mail is a great way to do this. 

For example, sending personalised thank you notes to customers is a really good way to get them coming back. Just saying thanks can make a big difference in making your customers feel valued and help build a strong bond with them. You can also include special offers which give them more reasons to stick with your brand. By truly appreciating your customers and always giving them something valuable, you’re not just keeping happy customers; you’re creating loyal supporters for what you do.

Direct mail also stands out as a powerful strategy for nurturing loyalty programs and presenting unique offers to shoppers. With loyalty programs, regular customers get rewarded through discounts, early access to new products or services, and more perks. Such initiatives do more than just boost sales; they build a strong bond between consumers and the brand. This is where direct mail plays a crucial role in keeping customers around for the long haul and establishing enduring connections.

Tips for creative strategies for direct mail campaigns

Being creative is super important when you’re trying to make direct mail work well. It’s all about thinking differently and using innovative, new ideas so people really notice your mail and remember it. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Use unique formats and designs – be different from everyone else with your designs and use things like pop-up elements, shapes that catch the eye, or things people can interact with. This will make your direct mail stick in your prospects minds.
  • Add QR codes or use augmented reality – incorporating digital tactics such QR codes to your direct mail lets people easily visit your website or see your special offers just by scanning them. Augmented reality also makes the whole campaign even more fun because it adds a layer of interaction that feels almost real.
  • Utilise personalisation – people like feeling special and you should make your campaigns personal to prospects based on things like what they like or where they live. This means people are way more likely to pay attention if it’s personal to them.
  • Throw in samples or freebies – who doesn’t love getting something for nothing? Adding little gifts into your mails not only gets people excited, but also gives them a taste of what you offer without having to buy first.
  • Create a sense of urgency – when there’s a clock ticking on an offer or only a few items left at a discount price, people will feel the need to act fast. This helps get quicker responses and might lead more people to actually buying something from you.

By implementing these inventive creative ideas into your direct mail campaigns, businesses can truly stand out making sure their message isn’t just seen but remembered too. Creativity along with innovation plays huge roles in helping grab customer interest leading to better results.

Let us help with your next direct mail campaign

There’s no denying that direct mail is still a big deal when it comes to connecting with customers. It acts as a bridge that links the old-school way of marketing with the new digital methods. No matter if you’re a small business owner or a large corporation, adding direct mail into your mix of marketing strategies could do wonders for getting closer to your customers.

Here at Intygra, we specialise in providing end-to-end direct marketing services that get real results. If you’d like help with your next direct mail campaign, don’t hesitate to contact our experts today. We can help plan and print your direct mail campaign to ensure you reach your audience and get your message across effectively.

Direct Mail FAQs

Direct Mail FAQs

When it comes to how often you should send out direct mail, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It really depends on what your goals are, who you’re trying to reach, and what your budget is. You want to make sure that people remember your brand without getting annoyed by too many mails being sent to them.

With different aims for each campaign and where customers are in their journey with a product or service, the right number of times to send out mailing might change. Keep an eye on who responds and update who gets your mails accordingly to figure out the best rhythm of your direct mail activities.

Direct mail is a great tool for small businesses and large businesses alike. It’s an effective way to connect with the right people, make your brand known, and get customers involved without spending too much. By putting together a smart plan and sticking to it, businesses can really take advantage of direct mail marketing. This approach helps them meet their marketing objectives while staying within their budget.

There are many different types of direct mail businesses can utilise and some of the most popular types include:

  • Postcards – simple and cost-effective, ideal for short messages or announcements.
  • Letters – more formal, suitable for detailed information or personal appeals.
  • Catalogues – detailed product information, ideal for retail businesses.
  • Brochures – informational booklets that can highlight products or services.
  • Dimensional mailers – packages that include samples or 3D items to grab attention.

Some of the key metrics all businesses should be tracking in order to measure the success of a campaign are response rate (the amount of recipients who respond to a CTA), conversion rate (the amount of responders who take a desired action), return on investment (the financial return compared to the cost of the campaign) and other key metrics to your business such as unique phone calls, URL clicks, and promo code uses for example.